Getting Started

The workflow for using django-selectable involves two main parts:
  • Defining your lookups
  • Defining your forms

This guide assumes that you have a basic knowledge of creating Django models and forms. If not you should first read through the documentation on defining models and using forms.

Including jQuery & jQuery UI

The widgets in django-selectable define the media they need as described in the Django documentation on Form Media. That means to include the javascript and css you need to make the widgets work you can include {{ }} and {{ }} in your template. This is assuming your form is called form in the template context. For more information please check out the Django documentation.

The jQuery and jQuery UI libraries are not included in the distribution but must be included in your templates. However there is a template tag to easily add these libraries from the from the Google CDN.

{% load selectable_tags %}
{% include_jquery_libs %}

By default these will use jQuery v1.7.2 and jQuery UI v1.8.23. You can customize the versions used by pass them to the tag. The first version is the jQuery version and the second is the jQuery UI version.

{% load selectable_tags %}
{% include_jquery_libs '1.4.4' '1.8.13' %}

Django-Selectable should work with jQuery >= 1.4.4 and jQuery UI >= 1.8.13.

You must also include a jQuery UI theme stylesheet. There is also a template tag to easily add this style sheet from the Google CDN.

{% load selectable_tags %}
{% include_ui_theme %}

By default this will use the base theme for jQuery UI v1.8.23. You can configure the theme and version by passing them in the tag.

{% load selectable_tags %}
{% include_ui_theme 'ui-lightness' '1.8.13' %}

Or only change the theme.

{% load selectable_tags %}
{% include_ui_theme 'ui-lightness' %}

See the the jQuery UI documentation for a full list of available stable themes:

Of course you can choose to include these rescources manually:

.. code-block:: html

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" type="text/css">
    <link href="{{ STATIC_URL }}selectable/css/dj.selectable.css" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}selectable/js/"></script>


jQuery UI shares a few plugin names with the popular Twitter Bootstrap framework. There are notes on using Bootstrap along with django-selectable in the advanced usage section.

Defining a Lookup

The lookup classes define the backend views. The most common case is defining a lookup which searchs models based on a particular field. Let’s define a simple model:

class Fruit(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)

    def __unicode__(self):

In a we will define our lookup:

class FruitLookup(ModelLookup):
    model = Fruit
    search_fields = ('name__icontains', )

This lookups extends selectable.base.ModelLookup and defines two things: one is the model on which we will be searching and the other is the field which we are searching. This syntax should look familiar as it is the same as the field lookup syntax for making queries in Django.

Below this definition we will register our lookup class.



You should only register your lookup once. Attempting to register the same lookup class more than once will lead to LookupAlreadyRegistered errors. A common problem related to the LookupAlreadyRegistered error is related to inconsistant import paths in your project. Prior to Django 1.4 the default allows for importing both with and without the project name (i.e. from myproject.myapp import lookups or from myapp import lookups). This leads to the file being imported twice and the registration code executing twice. Thankfully this is no longer the default in Django 1.4. Keeping your import consistant to include the project name (when your app is included inside the project directory) will avoid these errors.

Defining Forms

Now that we have a working lookup we will define a form which uses it:

class FruitForm(forms.Form):
    autocomplete = forms.CharField(
        label='Type the name of a fruit (AutoCompleteWidget)',

This replaces the default widget for the CharField with the AutoCompleteWidget. This will allow the user to fill this field with values taken from the names of existing Fruit models.

And that’s pretty much it. Keep on reading if you want to learn about the other types of fields and widgets that are available as well as defining more complicated lookups.