
There are plenty of ways to contribute to this project. If you think you’ve found a bug please submit an issue. If there is a feature you’d like to see then please open an ticket proposal for it. If you’ve come up with some helpful examples then you can add to our example project.

Getting the Source

The source code is hosted on Github. You can download the full source by cloning the git repo:

git clone git://

Feel free to fork the project and make your own changes. If you think that it would be helpful for other then please submit a pull request to have it merged in.

Submit an Issue

The issues are also managed on Github issue page. If you think you’ve found a bug it’s helpful if you indicate the version of django-selectable you are using the ticket version flag. If you think your bug is javascript related it is also helpful to know the version of jQuery, jQuery UI, and the browser you are using.

Issues are also used to track new features. If you have a feature you would like to see you can submit a proposal ticket. You can also see features which are planned here.

Submit a Translation

We are working towards translating django-selectable into different languages. There are not many strings to be translated so it is a reasonably easy task and a great way to be involved with the project. The translations are managed through Transifex.

Running the Test Suite

There are a number of tests in place to test the server side code for this project. To run the tests you need Django and mock installed and run:


tox is used to test django-selectable against multiple versions of Django/Python. With tox installed you can run:


to run all the version combinations. You can also run tox against a subset of supported environments:

tox -e py27-1.5.X

This example will run the test against the latest 1.6.X and 1.5.X releases using Python 2.6 and 3.2. For more information on running/installing tox please see the tox documentation:

Client side tests are written using QUnit. They can be found in selectable/tests/qunit/index.html. The test suite also uses PhantomJS to run the tests. You can install PhantomJS from NPM:

# Install requirements
npm install -g phantomjs jshint
make test-js

Building the Documentation

The documentation is built using Sphinx and available on Read the Docs. With Sphinx installed you can build the documentation by running:

make html

inside the docs directory. Documentation fixes and improvements are always welcome.