Defining Lookups

What are Lookups?

Lookups define the corresponding ajax views used by the auto-completion fields and widgets. They take in the current request and return the JSON needed by the jQuery auto-complete plugin.

Defining a Lookup

django-selectable uses a registration pattern similar to the Django admin. Lookups should be defined in a in your application’s module. Once defined you must register in with django-selectable. All lookups must extend from selectable.base.LookupBase which defines the API for every lookup.

from selectable.base import LookupBase
from selectable.registry import registry

class MyLookup(LookupBase):
    def get_query(self, request, term):
        data = ['Foo', 'Bar']
        return filter(lambda x: x.startswith(term), data)


Lookup API

LookupBase.get_query(request, term)

This is the main method which takes the current request from the user and returns the data which matches their search.

  • request – The current request object.
  • term – The search term from the widget input.

An iterable set of data of items matching the search term.


This is first of three formatting methods. The label is shown in the drop down menu of search results. This defaults to item.__unicode__.

Parameters:item – An item from the search results.
Returns:A string representation of the item to be shown in the search results. The label can include HTML. For changing the label format on the client side see Advanced Label Formats.

This is second of three formatting methods. The id is the value that will eventually be returned by the field/widget. This defaults to item.__unicode__.

Parameters:item – An item from the search results.
Returns:A string representation of the item to be returned by the field/widget.

This is last of three formatting methods. The value is shown in the input once the item has been selected. This defaults to item.__unicode__.

Parameters:item – An item from the search results.
Returns:A string representation of the item to be shown in the input.

get_item is the reverse of get_item_id. This should take the value from the form initial values and return the current item. This defaults to simply return the value.

Parameters:value – Value from the form inital value.
Returns:The item corresponding to the initial value.

If you plan to use a lookup with a field or widget which allows the user to input new values then you must define what it means to create a new item for your lookup. By default this raises a NotImplemented error.

Parameters:value – The user given value.
Returns:The new item created from the item.

By default format_item creates a dictionary with the three keys used by the UI plugin: id, value, label. These are generated from the calls to get_item_id, get_item_value and get_item_label. If you want to add additional keys you should add them here.

The results of get_item_label is conditionally escaped to prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) similar to the templating language. If you know that the content is safe and you want to use these methods to include HTML should mark the content as safe with django.utils.safestring.mark_safe inside the get_item_label method.

get_item_id and get_item_value are not escapted by default. These are not a XSS vector with the built-in JS. If you are doing additional formating using these values you should be conscience of this fake and be sure to escape these values.

Parameters:item – An item from the search results.
Returns:A dictionary of information for this item to be sent back to the client.

There are also some additional methods that you could want to use/override. These are for more advanced use cases such as using the lookups with JS libraries other than jQuery UI. Most users will not need to override these methods.

LookupBase.format_results(self, raw_data, options)

Returns a python structure that later gets serialized. This makes a call to paginate_results prior to calling format_item on each item in the current page.

  • raw_data – The set of all matched results.
  • options – Dictionary of cleaned_data from the lookup form class.

A dictionary with two keys meta and data. The value of data is an iterable extracted from page_data. The value of meta is a dictionary. This is a copy of options with one additional element more which is a translatable “Show more” string (useful for indicating more results on the javascript side).

LookupBase.paginate_results(results, options)

If SELECTABLE_MAX_LIMIT is defined or limit is passed in request.GET then paginate_results will return the current page using Django’s built in pagination. See the Django docs on pagination for more info.

  • results – The set of all matched results.
  • options – Dictionary of cleaned_data from the lookup form class.

The current Page object of results.

LookupBase.serialize_results(self, results)

Returns serialized results for sending via http. You may choose to override this if you are making use of

Parameters:results – a python structure to be serialized e.g. the one returned by format_results
Returns:JSON string.

Lookups Based on Models

Perhaps the most common use case is to define a lookup based on a given Django model. For this you can extend selectable.base.ModelLookup. To extend ModelLookup you should set two class attributes: model and search_fields.

class FruitLookup(ModelLookup):
    model = Fruit
    search_fields = ('name__icontains', )

The syntax for search_fields is the same as the Django field lookup syntax. Each of these lookups are combined as OR so any one of them matching will return a result. You may optionally define a third class attribute filters which is a dictionary of filters to be applied to the model queryset. The keys should be a string defining a field lookup and the value should be the value for the field lookup. Filters on the other hand are combined with AND.

User Lookup Example

Below is a larger model lookup example using multiple search fields, filters and display options for the auth.User model.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from selectable.base import ModelLookup
from selectable.registry import registry

class UserLookup(ModelLookup):
    model = User
    search_fields = (
    filters = {'is_active': True, }

    def get_item_value(self, item):
        # Display for currently selected item
        return item.username

    def get_item_label(self, item):
        # Display for choice listings
        return u"%s (%s)" % (item.username, item.get_full_name())


Lookup Decorators

New in version 0.5.

Registering lookups with django-selectable creates a small API for searching the lookup data. While the amount of visible data is small there are times when you want to restrict the set of requests which can view the data. For this purpose there are lookup decorators. To use them you simply decorate your lookup class.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from selectable.base import ModelLookup
from selectable.decorators import login_required
from selectable.registry import registry

class UserLookup(ModelLookup):
    model = User
    search_fields = ('username__icontains', )
    filters = {'is_active': True, }



The class decorator syntax was introduced in Python 2.6. If you are using django-selectable with Python 2.5 you can still make use of these decorators by applying the without the decorator syntax.

class UserLookup(ModelLookup):
    model = User
    search_fields = ('username__icontains', )
    filters = {'is_active': True, }

UserLookup = login_required(UserLookup)


Below are the descriptions of the available lookup decorators.


The django-selectable javascript will always request the lookup data via XMLHttpRequest (AJAX) request. This decorator enforces that the lookup can only be accessed in this way. If the request is not an AJAX request then it will return a 400 Bad Request response.


This decorator requires the user to be authenticated via request.user.is_authenticated. If the user is not authenticated this will return a 401 Unauthorized response. request.user is set by the django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware which is required for this decorator to work. This middleware is enabled by default.


This decorator builds from login_required and in addition requires that request.user.is_staff is True. If the user is not authenticatated this will continue to return at 401 response. If the user is authenticated but not a staff member then this will return a 403 Forbidden response.