
Django-Selectable defines a number of fields for selecting either single or multiple lookup items. Item in this context corresponds to the object return by the underlying lookup get_item. The single select select field AutoCompleteSelectField allows for the creation of new items. To use this feature the field’s lookup class must define create_item. In the case of lookups extending from Lookups Based on Models newly created items have not yet been saved into the database and saving should be handled by the form. All fields take the lookup class as the first required argument.


Field tied to AutoCompleteSelectWidget to bind the selection to the form and create new items, if allowed. The allow_new keyword argument (default: False) which determines if the field allows new items. This field cleans to a single item.

    autocompleteselect = selectable.AutoCompleteSelectField(
        label='Select a fruit (AutoCompleteField)',

New in version 0.7.

lookup_class` may also be a dotted path.



Field tied to AutoCompleteSelectMultipleWidget to bind the selection to the form. This field cleans to a list of items. AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField does not allow for the creation of new items.

    multiautocompleteselect = selectable.AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField(
        label='Select a fruit (AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField)',